Sports & Exercise Medicine (SEM) is a rather new medical speciality but one which is long-overdue! Our doctors train through the Australasian College of Sports & Exercise Physicians (ACSEP), and undertake a minimum of 4 years in speciality training, covering all areas including:
The Benefits of Sports Medicine
There are so many benefits and positive outcomes you can get by seeing a specialist Sports and Exercise Medicine (SEM) practitioner.
Earlier return from injury
Very few athletes/weekend warriors get through life without sustaining an injury of some sort. Sports and Exercise Medicine (SEM) practitioners continually stay up-to-date and at the forefront of the latest research and evidence to help you get back to what you love, as quickly and safely as possible. Every patient is treated with the same knowledge as those at the highest, elite level so feel reassured you are in knowledgeable and capable hands.
A comprehensive whole-body approach
Foot pain caused by a hip problem? It is not as uncommon as you think! SEM practitioners are taught to assess the athlete, head to toe because sometimes it may be the deficient posture or previous back injury leading to poor movement patterns and therefore, an angry foot. Or how your diet has led to you sustaining a stress fracture in your foot. These are just a few examples of how we look at the bigger picture in practice and how the seemingly irrelevant is actually very important.
Clinicians dedicated to sports and musculoskeletal medicine
One of the greatest things about SEM, is learning new sports and forms of exercise from our patients and our job is to specialize in sport and exercise! We are exposed to numerous different sports and types of exercise throughout our training and continue to add to our collection on a daily basis. Males and females often sustain different injury patterns, we look after everyone, including children, teenagers, adults, seniors, pregnant women and those with disabilities. So whether you are a runner, footballer, ballet dancer, snowboarder, cross-fitter or cheerleader, it is our mission to help you succeed and continue in your active endeavours.
Performance Enhancement
No, we are not talking through steroids and WADA banned substances but through biomechanical evaluations, nutrition education, sports psychological strategies and prehabilitation! Just like a Formula One car needs detailed attention to its bodywork (biomechanics), engine (psychological), tyres (muscles and bones) and fuel (nutrition), all athletes need similar thorough attention. We can help guide you through these processes and aim to keep you in top shape throughout the season. Preparation is the key to success so why is your exercising body any different?